Branching process outbreak simulator
Quantifies risk posed by individual importers of a novel transmissible pathogen to a generic population, with intervention effects. Scenarios modeled: novel introduction of transmissible pathogen by an infected traveler, an accidentally infected laboratory worker, a zoonotic spillover event, or similar scenario. Intervention scenarios for improved detection of initial case and for delayed mitigation after ongoing outbreak is detected.
Toth D, Gundlapalli A, Khader K, Pettey W, Rubin M, Adler F, Samore M (2015). Estimates of outbreak risk from new introductions of Ebola with immediate and delayed transmission control. Emerg Infect Dis, 21(8), 1402-1408.
Toth D, Tanner W, Khader K, Gundlapalli A (2016). Estimates of the risk of large or long-lasting outbreaks of Middle East respiratory syndrome after importations outside the Arabian Peninsula. Epidemics, 16, 27-32.
Work to create this software tool was made possible by cooperative agreement CDC-RFA-FT-23-0069 from the CDC’s Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics.
Installing the package
To install the package, you can use the following code:
To cite the package in publications
To cite the package in publications, please use:
## To cite package 'branchingprocess' in publications use:
## Toth D (2024). _Branching Process Outbreak Simulator_. R package
## version 0.0-9, <>.
## A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
## @Manual{,
## heather = {To cite branchingprocess in publications use:},
## title = {Branching Process Outbreak Simulator},
## author = {Damon Toth},
## year = {2024},
## note = {R package version 0.0-9},
## url = {},
## }